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Aplicaciones importantes de los robots
Robots.nu ha ordenado los robots en un orden lógico. Piense en robots para el hogar, el cuidado de la salud, la educación y los robots en el trabajo. Déjese inspirar por esta nueva tecnología.
Arrival at Cape Cod
They arrived at Cape Cod in November 1620, where they first encountered the indigenous people of North America who had been living there for thousands of years. After signing the Mayflower Compact on board of the ship and exploring the coast, they continued on to Patuxet (Plymouth) to establish Plymouth Colony. Thanks to the help of the indigenous people, they ultimately managed to build a thriving colony. Because of the ‘success’ of this land annexation, hundreds of European colonists would follow in the subsequent decades. The impact colonialization had on Native American people was enormous. Either through disease, war, or cultural and religious assimilation, Native American people suffered as they attempted to work through the new realities of living on a colonised land. Today, Native communities across America, including the Wampanoag, continue to claim their heritage and practice their traditions.
US culture
The story of the Mayflower has a famous place in American history as a symbol of Early European colonisation of the future United States. It is estimated that today, some 25 million Americans are descendants of the Pilgrims and nine US presidents had ancestors who travelled across on the Mayflower, including Barack Obama. Some aspects of US culture can be traced back to the Pilgrims’ time in Leiden. Civil marriage for example, a Dutch legal ‘innovation’, lies at the very basis of the separation between church and state. And it is said that the 3rd of October (Relief of Leiden) celebrations were an inspiration for the Thanksgiving celebration.
It is said that the 3rd of October (Relief of Leiden) celebrations were an inspiration for the Thanksgiving celebration.
Day of mourning
Since 1970 the Native Americans of New England organise The National Day of Mourning on the fourth Thursday of November, the same day as Thanksgiving in the United States. The organizers consider the national holiday of Thanksgiving Day as a reminder of the oppression and continued suffering of the Native American people. Participants in the National Day of Mourning honour Native ancestors and the struggles of Native people to survive today.